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Whether it’s a family of one or a family of eight, My Friends House goes above and beyond to serve its community. Learn more here.

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The pandemic has increased the number of families seeking food assistance. Learn how one food pantry remains committed to serving it community with dignity.

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My Friends House hosts weekly food distributions benefitting hundreds of families, and their market-style pantry helps the environment. Learn more here.

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Congratulations to the entire Los Angeles Rams organization on their Super Bowl win. Throughout the game, they demonstrated their leadership and ability on the field. Through their ongoing service to the community, they show their incredible leadership off the field, too.

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While life may seem to be getting back to normal, there are millions of individuals seeking food assistance in LA County. Learn more here.

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The ongoing pandemic & related economic issues, including rising prices and inflation, continue to exacerbate food insecurity in LA County. Learn more here.

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When the pandemic hit, the need grew substantially and remains high today. Fortunately, the Food Bank, and its partner agencies like IFC, responded quickly. Learn more here about this food pantry.

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Thanks to the generous support of donors to the Food Bank, the InterFaith Food Center can serve the most vulnerable. Learn more here about this food pantry.

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The LA Regional Food Bank takes a look at what food security means and how we as a community can build more food security for the community.

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It’s thanks to hunger heroes like Mary that the Food Bank can continue serving the community through a time of need. Learn more on how to get involved.

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