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The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is no stranger to celebrity volunteers, and the COVID-19 pandemic saw many familiar faces step up to help those in need during the crisis.

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Accidents can happen at any given moment, but the worst is right before a pandemic. Alondra Flores, a mother of three, depended on her job to help provide for her family. When she was in an accident that temporarily immobilized her, their lives changed.

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While things may seem to be getting back to a new normal, there are still individuals in Los Angeles County living with the uncertainty of where their next meal will come from. And that’s where the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank comes into play.

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Before the pandemic, Food Bank Partner Agency CCNP served 100-150 families weekly, but as of June 2021, that number has jumped to 500-600. CCNP has been providing meals to students throughout the pandemic.

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Like so many of the Food Bank’s partner agencies, Church of the Redeemer has had to dramatically scale up its work to try and meet the heightened demand created by COVID-19 and the continuing economic impact.

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We take a look at the past year reflecting on how operations, demand for food assistance and community support have all grown due to the pandemic.

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Unfortunately, food insecurity skyrocketed in 2020. Here are a few stories that paint a picture of food insecurity amid the outbreak of the pandemic.

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Lutheran Social Services of Southern California is one of the Food Bank’s Agency Partners. LSSSC’s Director, opens up about her experience in a virtual interview.

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Alison shares what volunteering during the pandemic at the LA Regional Food Bank has provided for her in this blog post. Get the story here!

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Takao donates his time and money to his community, including the LA Regional Food Bank. We talk to him and his dad in this story about his special donation!

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