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Summer is harder for us because we lose access to school meals. Healthy foods like milk, meat, fruits and vegetables are not cheap. Last summer was my son’s first year with the Food bank’s Summer Lunch Program and he loved it! He said they even had watermelon.

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Thank you notes from Western Avenue Students and their parents.

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The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank works with a network of more than 600 charitable partner agencies throughout LA County. We recently visited My Friends House in Los Angeles and interviewed neighbors who were receiving groceries at their weekly distribution. Debora shared this story with us. ...

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No child should go hungry, but 1 in 4 kids in LA County might not know where their next meal will come from. The Food Bank’s Summer Lunch program makes a difference for low-income families whose children rely on school meals, which are not available during summer months.

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No child should go hungry, but 1 in 4 kids in LA County might not know where their next meal will come from. The Food Bank’s After-School Meal program makes a difference for low-income families whose children rely on school meals.

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My Friends House, Inc. is one of the Food Bank’s partner agencies, fighting hunger in Los Angeles by providing weekly food distributions.

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My Friends House, Inc. is one of the Food Bank’s partner agencies, fighting hunger in Los Angeles by providing weekly food distributions.

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Rosa receives food assistance from the a Food Bank partner agency in Carson for her two young daughters through the After School Meal Program.

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The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Thanks and Honors Many Years Of Service To The Community By Elena Guzman of Catholic Charities.

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Silvia helps translate between Spanish and English for the staff at the food pantry and the guests coming to receive food. The food pantry is open three days a week, and Silvia volunteers every Tuesday and Thursday

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