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This Is One Dot, and It Represents One Person

This Is One Dot, and It Represents One Person

This is one dot, and it represents one person struggling with food insecurity.

This one dot might represent Mary, someone we met at the Los Angeles Mission who was homeless a year prior, but thanks to help provided by the Food Bank and the LA Mission, she’s getting back on her feet. This might be Frank, a United States Veteran, or Irma, a part-time teacher who lives with her mother and two children. This dot represents someone living in our community – one of our neighbors.



This is 600 dots, and they represent the number of charities that the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank provides food for as of 2019.


This is 29,000 dots, each representing one of the low or fixed-income seniors who receives food from the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank each month. This food saves them money which can be spent on medicine or utilities instead.

29000 dotsThis is 300,000 dots, each representing a person that is helped by the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank and our partner agency network each month. By supporting the Food Bank, you are helping these individuals by providing them with meals, and with hope.

99990 dots99990 dots99990 dots


This is 573,000 dots. Each one represents a child in LA County who may not know where their next meal is coming from. We currently don’t have the resources to reach every single one of these children, but our vision is that no one goes hungry in Los Angeles County.

573000 dots

This is 2,000,000 dots. Each one represents one human being in LA County who currently faces food insecurity. In a county that 10,160,000 people call home, 1 in 5 people don’t have reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.

2000000 dotsThis is one dot, and it represents one dollar. With it, the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank can provide up to four meals.


Anyone can be a hunger hero. Why not you?

We believe that people can do amazing things when they have the right tools. That’s why we’re excited about our #WeFeedLA platform where you can create your own fundraiser. Use it to fight hunger in LA County!

More Stories from the LA Regional Food Bank

The Difference Between Food Insecurity and Nutrition Insecurity

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Foothill Unity Center – A Food Pantry Giving Back to a Community in Need

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Why I Give Monthly to the Food Bank – And Why Now is the Time to Join Me

Join a community and make twice the difference in the fight against hunger with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank.

Door of Hope Ministries is a Lifeline to Neighbors

This nonprofit has been a pillar for decades, providing critical resources, including food and nutrition assistance, to its community.

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