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Five Easy Ways to Help the Food Bank This Holiday Season (Amid COVID-19)

Five Easy Ways to Help the Food Bank This Holiday Season (Amid COVID-19)

Fighting Hunger this Holiday Season

Fineshriber Family Foundation Donates $200,000 to Food Bank
LA Regional Food Bank: Free Food Distribution

The holidays are always busy at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Each year, we see financial donations and volunteer commitments spike in November and December as people across our community show their support for our neighbors in need.

We are fortunate to live in a generous community. People across LA County have increased their charitable giving in the wake of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic and related economic fallout, allowing the Food Bank to increase food distribution by 145% (as of October 2020) and provide for more people than ever before.

Unfortunately, we do not expect the need for food assistance in LA County to decrease any time soon. This year, the holidays will look very different for hundreds of thousands of our neighbors. The need for food assistance in our community is unprecedented, and as a nonprofit organization, we rely on your help to make a difference for those who need it most. 

1) Make a Financial Gift

Mega food distribution at The Forum from the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

Perhaps the best way to support the Food Bank this holiday season is to give funds. Because the Food Bank is provided with donated food, and because volunteer hours help lower labor-related costs, the Food Bank can provide the equivalent of 4 meals for each $1 donated.

If you are an individual wanting to make an immediate difference in the life of someone facing food insecurity, it will be easier (and safer) to donate funds this year, rather than organizing that annual food drive.

Please consider donating generously at LAFoodBank.org/donate

2) Make It a Monthly Donation

The Food Bank’s work is critical year-round, and for that reason, we encourage people to sign up for our monthly donor program, which allows us to reach people all year long. Just $23 per month helps provide a year’s worth of food to someone in need. Please visit LAFoodBank.org/monthly

Be sure to check out our 4-star rating on Charity Navigator and our Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency!

Will Tran volunteer3) Volunteer

People from across LA County have typically visited the Food Bank to volunteer their time during the holiday season, but this year, many people may be more inclined to stay home and support the Food Bank in other ways.

The Food Bank is safely operating in accordance with public health guidelines and is considered an essential service by local and state governments. As a result, it is still possible to volunteer at the Food Bank, and if you feel safe to do so, we highly encourage you to sign up at LAFoodBank.org/volunteer.

Related story: Learn about one volunteer’s experience >

Team WeFeedLA Logo4) Virtual Food Drives

Food Drives have also been a big part of holiday giving, but this year, the Food Bank is encouraging people to create virtual food drives at LAFoodBank.org/wefeedla, which is a safe option amid the pandemic, allowing supporters of the Food Bank to create virtual food drives without leaving their homes.

Related story: read about a recent fundraising experience >

Some wonderful fundraiser success from earlier in the pandemic include the Paul Walker Foundation, DJ Shammy Dee, Michael Schur of Parks and Recreation and many more!

5) Subscribe and Share!

Another excellent way to support the Food Bank is to follow us on social media, share our stories, subscribe to our e-communications and YouTube channel and generally spread the word about our work! The first step in the fight against hunger is awareness, and if you can help us spread the word about our critical work, we’d be grateful!

More Stories from the LA Regional Food Bank

The Difference Between Food Insecurity and Nutrition Insecurity

Addressing both food and nutrition insecurity is essential for tackling hunger and improving public health and overall wellness.

Foothill Unity Center – A Food Pantry Giving Back to a Community in Need

The Pasadena food pantry hosted a food distribution to help those impacted by the wildfires in their community.

Why I Give Monthly to the Food Bank – And Why Now is the Time to Join Me

Join a community and make twice the difference in the fight against hunger with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank.

Door of Hope Ministries is a Lifeline to Neighbors

This nonprofit has been a pillar for decades, providing critical resources, including food and nutrition assistance, to its community.

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