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Food Recipients at COVID-19 Relief Drive-Thru Distributions: See Who You Help

Food Recipients at COVID-19 Relief Drive-Thru Distributions: See Who You Help

As COVID-19 and the related economic fallout continues to impact communities throughout Los Angeles County, hunger is a growing concern for many of our neighbors. Before the outbreak, food insecurity was a reality for many people in LA County, and amid COVID-19, we see the need for food assistance increase dramatically. Food insecurity affects all types of people – various income brackets. People who were once volunteers and even Food Bank donors have found themselves in line seeking assistance at our distribution sites.

Here are just a few stories of people who have received much-needed food, thanks to our donors, volunteers and partners.


This food recipient has people in her family who have seen reduced hours, which has affected their income. It’s difficult to provide for families – including the four children at home – with a reduced income, so the Food Bank helps this family supplement their expenses by providing food assistance.

“We all are in need because we don’t know how things are going to go – we don’t know if things are going to get worse,” she said.


Jackie lives in Sun Valley and drove all the way to West Covina to receive food assistance at one of the LA Regional Food Bank’s COVID-19 Relief Drive-Thru Distributions. These distributions are held in partnership with other organizations – in this case, with LA County and Supervisor Hilda Solis’ office. Like many others, Jackie once worked at a Southern California theme park, which has been affected in a major way by COVID-19. While her father was the only one still working, the Food Bank has helped her access staple food items. She feels that the need will be there after the pandemic is over, and she believes that these distributions will be needed in the long-term. 


We met Araceli and her son at a drive-through food distribution in West Covina that the Food Bank co-sponsored with County Supervisor Hilda Solis. With her son sitting in her lap, she shared her story with us as volunteers loaded 80 lbs. of food into her trunk.

Like so many others in LA County, the pandemic drastically altered Araceli’s life forever. Soon after losing her job in May, she contracted COVID-19 and suffered significant complications. In the hospital, she tried to figure out who would care for her son if she died. She survived and was released, but then unemployment relief lapsed. To spend nine days in the hospital and come home to nothing was devastating. The Food Bank has been a vital lifeline for her through her recovery from COVID-19.”

Learn more about Araceli >   |   Read about Araceli in the LA Times >


This food recipient has older neighbors who are at higher risk to COVID-19, and some are unable to drive. She is picking up food for her neighbors as well and is so thankful for the food assistance and the drive-thru format. Her friend was working in the auto industry, which has seen the impact of the virus. Similarly, her sister, who works for the airlines, has also been hurt by the pandemic. She is inspired to see people coming together to help one another during this time of crisis.


In our interviews around early January 2021, more than a few of the people receiving food had previously been infected with COVID-19. In a previous example (Araceli), after being in the hospital for more than a week, she came home to an empty fridge and needed help from her community via the Food Bank. Aida and her two kids had the virus, but fortunately, everyone has healed and is doing much better. She is a single parent, and sometimes she said she wasn’t sure how she was going to make it through the day, especially when she looked at the kids and realized that hunger is coming. She’s grateful for the Food Bank, our donors, volunteers and partners.


These are just a few stories from more than a million people that have been helped since the beginning of the outbreak. The Food Bank relies on the generosity of the community, so if you are in a position to donate, please do! The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank is a highly efficient charity, and just $25 provides the equivalent of 100 meals.

Please consider making a donation now >

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