The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
Did you know that most of our partner agencies are run by dedicated volunteers? Juliana has been volunteering at Cory’s Kitchen for five years. Four years ago her husband lost his job and her family found themselves in need of food assistance.
We are proud to work with partner agencies like Cory’s Kitchen in order to serve people like Juliana all throughout LA County.
We’ve heard a lot of assumptions about the people we serve. The fact is, most of the people who receive assistance through our partner agency network are who we call, “the working poor,” or people who live in a home where someone is employed but who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to afford nutritious meals. Wages are not keeping up with the high cost of living in our beautiful community.
People like Juliana not only benefit from the work of the Food Bank, but spend many hours every week giving back in order to help others.
Without volunteers like her, our mission would not be possible.