For over 80 years, the Fred Jordan Mission food pantry has provided hot meals and food assistance to its surrounding community.
Addressing both food and nutrition insecurity is essential for tackling hunger and improving public health and overall wellness.
The Pasadena food pantry hosted a food distribution to help those impacted by the wildfires in their community.
Join a community and make twice the difference in the fight against hunger with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank.
This nonprofit has been a pillar for decades, providing critical resources, including food and nutrition assistance, to its community.
High-profile leaders and celebrities stepped up to help amplify the Food Bank’s response efforts, mobilizing resources and spreading awareness.
Food pantries like Door of Hope Ministries in East LA are essential to neighbors seeking food assistance.
The Food Bank relies on the generosity of the community, and thanks to donors like Joan Seidel, our neighbors can secure their next meal.
Josie started her journey as a 300+ pound drug user with diabetes. Thanks to this food pantry, her life has changed.
Madison Elementary hosted a drive-through food distribution for those affected and holds regular distributions throughout the year.