Working with many partners, the Food Bank distributed more than 133 million pounds of food and product, valued at $200.9 million, to millions of families, older adults, children and individuals seeking assistance. The bottom line of our collective effort is to ensure that our neighbors don’t experience the devastating impact of hunger.
Our partnerships with the State of California, the County of Los Angeles, local cities, school districts and other organizations continued to strengthen during 2021, allowing us to reach more of our neighbors struggling to feed themselves and their families, especially in communities that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.
The Food Bank continued to increase the capacity of our more than 600 partner agencies by purchasing refrigerated vans and trucks, commercial refrigerators and freezers and other equipment needed for their sites. This increased capacity allows our partner agencies to acquire, store and distribute more perishable, frozen and other foods, helping more people seeking food assistance in their community. Our Extra Helpings Program continues to be an efficient food recovery model for our partner agencies to access nutritious food in their neighborhoods and distribute the food to people in need.
In 2019, the Food Bank launched a Comprehensive Campaign to pay for the acquisition of a 256,000 sq. ft. building in the City of Industry, the building improvements required for the building and for the Food Bank’s ongoing operations and programs. As of December 2021, we have raised $141 million of the $165 million goal, and we expect to reach our goal by the end of 2022. The Industry building has been critical to our pandemic response, and once the refrigeration and pallet racking has been installed and other improvements are made, this building will significantly increase the Food Bank’s capacity to serve the community.
We are heartened that we live in a community of so many generous people like you who have made hunger relief a priority, giving others hope for a better and brighter future. Thank you for your support of the Food Bank as we continue to mobilize resources to fight hunger in our community.